Positive Mediation and Counselling Wollongong

Positive Mediation & Counselling
Positive Mediation
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Family & Children Matters - Property Settlement - Workplace Mediation


A Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS) and a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) operating, principally, in the Illawarra (Wollongong) area but will travel or connect by phone or video link.

When there is no harmony at home, or in a relationship or a workplace, mediation is the preferred method of resolving and settling differences.  As Anne-Marie Rice said "conflict can be resolved without combat".  Mediation is better and cheaper than engaging lawyers and taking court action.

With the release of the new Family Law Act (FCFCoA, 2021), mediation is compulsory for all family and children matters. Court is to be considered only as a last resort unless there are special circumstances of abuse, domestic violence or custodial matters, in which case an urgent court hearing is recommended.

PM&C will do their best to resolve differences through amicable, low stress, low cost and an informal approach through mediation.

If both the parties are genuinely committed to resolve differences, then mediation is for you.  Not all family relationsips can be preserved, unfortunately, but through mediation, the best amicable solution can be a positive outcome, of course, keeping the best interests of the children is paramount for their future and wellbeing.  

PM&C can also follow through after mediation with further counselling.

Mediation is also a valuable approach to resolving differences between employer-employee. schools and parents, neighbours, so if any of these areas are giving you trauma, anxiety, don't give up, try mediation with PM&C.

Ring us anytime, including evenings, for a free assessment of your situation to discuss and explore issues requiring mediation.

Face-to-face mediation is preferable for the best results, but it is not always possible. We accept that parties work and may live in different areas so we are prepared to travel or use Zoom for video meetings.

To Summarise, areas of mediation include:
Family and Children mediation, including mediation directed by the Family Court
Workplace employer-employee mediation
Business mediation
Neighbour-neighbour mediation
School-parent mediation.

All mediation is confidential, cost effective and has minimal waiting time.  Mediation is so much more relaxed, informal and mutual than it would be with lawyers and court hearings.  The added advantage of mediation is to reduce anxiety, stress and trauma, all of which is associated with any dispute, separation or divorce.  

We offer post-mediation services such as family counselling and workplace management and counselling to reduce conflict, increase communication, and develop co-operative and meaningful future relationships at work and within the family unit.  Life will be so much better without conflict and businesses run better when their staff are a happy family too.

Mob: 0419 220 135
ABN: 35 768 053 706
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